Fellow Democrats:

I hope that everyone has received some well-needed rest and stress relief after the primary. I know we all worked very hard – and we still have some hard work ahead of us. 

Due to a large number of township reorganization meetings and planned vacations this July, as well as COVID-19 being on the rise (as I type this, I am in isolation with the newest variant), we will not be having a Central Committee meeting on July 11 as we had planned. 

We do have to take care of one important matter now, however, which is that our party has to have its County Convention. Per state election code, we have to have the Convention 29 days after the primary election. That puts us having the Will County Democratic Central Committee Convention on July 27th.  

With COVID-10 in mind, we will also be allowing participation via Zoom for those that do not want to come to a crowded place and would feel more comfortable at home. There will be a lot more details to come, but I wanted everyone to get this one on their calendar.    

Burke Schuster
Will County Democrats