Join Senators Meg Cappel and John Connor, and Representatives (Leader) Natalie Manley, Larry Walsh, Jr., and Dagmara “Dee” Avelar for this pre-Kentucky Derby fundraiser event on Friday, April 30 at 5 PM! Let’s cheer our legislators on as they hit the home stretch in Springfield and enjoy the pre-Derby Day festivities.
***Masks Required***
Individual Ticket: $100
Clubhouse Sponsor: $250
Finish Line Sponsor: $500
Champion Sponsor: $1000
Triple Crown Sponsor: $2500
Donations can be made to:
Committee to Elect Meg Cappel, Citizens to Elect John Connor, Friends of Natalie Manley, Community for Dee, or Friends of Larry Walsh, Jr.
To RSVP, please contact or 314-803-7964