Join the Lockport Township Democratic Organization for a fundraising event and celebration in honor of Senator Pat McGuire and former Will County Coroner Pat O’Neill.
This virtual event will include remarks from US Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth, Congressman Bill Foster, Congresswoman Elect Marie Newman, State Rep and State Senator Elect John Connor, Senator and Will County Executive Elect Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant and many more!
This event will be broadcast live from Coom’s Corner (restrictions pending). Purchase your tickets or sponsorships HERE!
Monday, November 16 at 6 PM
$50 per person
Zoom link: Meeting ID: 856 1926 6833, Passcode: 257953
One tap mobile +13126266799,,85619266833#,,,,,,0#,,257953# US
Sponsorship Opportunities
Platinum $500
Gold $250
Silver $150
Please indicate how you or your organization would like to be listed in our sponsorship program or email graphic to Karen Johnson. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: KEN GRIFFIN * KGRIFF208@GMAIL.COM * (630) 880-7054 * KAREN.JOHNSON@INTERPUBLIC.COM * (312) 545-3460
Mail checks to Lockport Township Democratic Organization, PO Box 275, Lockport, IL 60441 or use ActBlue –