We ALL do better when We ALL do better

– Paul Wellstone

The Will County Democratic Party is dedicated to electing Democrats at all levels throughout Will County while building the most active, inclusive, and diverse party possible.
Will County Democrats fight for working families in Springfield, Washington, and all across Will County. We are dedicated to growing good paying jobs, investing in our communities, delivering high quality education for all, protecting our environment, safeguarding democracy, expanding access to affordable healthcare, enhancing public safety, defending reproductive choice, and more.
The Will County Democratic Party provides party services to Democratic nominees by educating voters, getting Democrats to the polls each election, supporting campaign infrastructure, and bringing Democrats together to fight for the things we believe in.
As Will County continues to grow and evolve, Will County Democrats remain committed to fostering vibrant, sustainable, and prosperous communities for all.

Party Leadership

The Will County Democratic Central Committee is the official Democratic Party organization for the County of Will. The Central Committee includes Democratic township organizations, precinct committee people and volunteers from every community within Will County’s 24 townships and 304 precincts. We are dedicated to electing Democrats from the top of the ticket to the bottom.

Burke Schuster

Channahon Township

Billy Morgan

Monee Township

Michelle Stiff

Second Vice-Chair
Joliet Township

Kenneth Harris

DuPage Township

Alex Zapien

Lockport Township

Sonia Jenkins

Monee Township